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Want to secure your place on camp or at our Futsal without paying in one lump sum? Join our payment plans for our Full, Half-day camps and 8-week programs.
We have joined up with Payleadr, a simple direct debit billing solution, to collect recurring payments, effortlessly.
How it works?
1) Fill in the form below
2) Choose and option - Full day or Half day
3) Select the payment plan suited for you
4) Submit! You're spot is secured!
Access to Exclusive Partner Offers
Payleadr has teamed up with some of Australia’s favourite companies to provide you with access to a carefully curated selection of exclusive offers. including The Iconic, HelloFresh, Good Pair Days and more!
Affordability and Flexibility
Payleadr allows you to establish a flexible payment plan, with payments processed from a choice of bank direct debit, debit card, and credit card payment options. ECSS has flexible plans starting 10 weeks out from camp all the way to 3 weeks out from camp as well as weekly payments available for our Futsal program.
24/7 Account Access
Customers can access their Payleadr secure online portal, anywhere, anytime, to track accounts, update their payment method and contact details.
Intake form
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